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        The Team of Professor Li Jianxiang from School of Public Health at Medical College
        Published the Research Paper in the International Prestigious Journal

        On December 30th of 2022, the research paper, written by the team of Professor Li Jianxiang from School of Public Health at Medical College of Soochow University, entitled by “LncRNA ZNRD1-AS1 promotes malignant lung cell proliferation, migration, andangiogenesis viathemiR-942/TNS1 axis andispositively regulated bythem6A reader YTHDC2”, was published in the international prestigious journal of Molecular Cancer. The study found that ZNRD1-AS1 served an important function and has clinical relevance in lung cancer. In addition, the findings suggested that m6A modification could mediate the regulation of the ZNRD1-AS1/miR-942/TNS1 axis via the m6A reader YTHDC2.



